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Do you run an industrial laundry?

In search of a health and safety risk assessment tailored to your activity?

Do you need a pre-filled assessment to save you hours of work?

Want to be in compliance with safety regulations?


Our Health and Safety Risk Assessment is designed to meet your needs with:

→ A professional risk assessment totally specific to industrial laundries.

→ A professional risk assessment specific to laundries.

→ Risk prevention proposals dedicated to laundries.

→ Integration of risks linked to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.


All this in an easily editable Excel format, allowing you to make personalized updates on your own.




This 5-page Excel file includes:

  • A Cover Page
  • A Company Information page
  • A presentation of the Risk Assessment Methodology used.
  • An occupational risks assessment tailored to your sector of activity.
  • A risk prevention schedule with all the different safety measures.

It contains 35 occupational risk situations classified into 4 work units:

  • Driver: linen collection and distribution
  • Laundry workers: laundry
  • Administration and management
  • Customer relations


☑ Complies with the employer's obligation to assess risks

(Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999)

☑ Adheres to the General Principles of Prevention

(Schedule 1 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999)

☑ Takes into account good practice and pitfalls in risk assessment

(Report RR151 from the Health and Safety Executive)




  • The danger of contamination by micro-organisms or parasites: Because they clean dirty linen, laundry workers are exposed to the risk of contamination by micro-organisms. Contamination by pathogenic micro-organisms (which can be transmitted to humans) most often occurs when, after touching a soiled linen or garment, the person touches his or her face (especially the mouth). Airborne contamination (transmission through the air) is also a risk factor that needs to be controlled. Although linen from all sources is a potential vector of contamination (particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic), it is above all linen from medical environments (e.g. hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) that is most at risk. The latter need special care to prevent any risk of contamination (Risk Analysis Bio-contamination Control, abbreviated RABC, standardized to EN NF 14065). Possible contamination via linen handling is of bacterial origin (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa transmitting pyocyanins) or viral (e.g. Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, SARS-CoV-2, etc.). Parasites such as dust mites (e.g. lice) can also be transferred to the laundry through contact with linen. Mites can cause skin diseases such as scabies. Fungal infections are also possible (e.g. ringworm).


  • The danger of repetitive movements among laundry workers: The laundry worker's job involves a large number of repetitive movements. At the very start of the washing process, the operators sort the laundry, requiring repetitive lifting and throwing movements. After washing, whether for the large flat or the small flat, the various machines used for finishing (e.g.: ironing with an ironing machine) and folding the linen (e.g.: folding machines) will also require repetitive movements on the part of the operators to put the linen in place. Risks associated with repetitive movements are present on a daily basis among laundry workers. Even if laundry machines don't totally eliminate repetitive movements, they are still essential for reducing drudgery and the risk of long-term disorders (MSDs) due to the reduction in effort required (e.g. folding linen by hand vs. by machine). In addition, it is necessary to organize shift rotations to vary the daily gestures. In the short term, repetitive movements cause joint pain, mainly in the shoulders, arms, elbows, forearms, wrists and hands. In the long term, repetitive movements can lead to Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in the upper limbs: shoulders (tendonitis), elbows (epicondylitis, tendon damage), hands and wrists (carpal tunnel syndrome) and even the back (spine and lumbar region).


  • Risks associated with the use of machines with moving parts by laundry workers: Laundries are increasingly equipped with machines that enable laundry workers to avoid the most arduous manual tasks: engaging machines that eliminate the need for manual ironing, folding machines that eliminate the need for manual folding, etc. The use of these machines drastically reduces repetitive movements and the arduousness of laundry work, but also presents risks of upper limb entrapment. The use of these machines drastically reduces the repetitive gestures and drudgery involved in laundry work, but nevertheless presents risks of upper-limb grabbing. Human intervention following a malfunction is by far the most risky situation (e.g.: restarting by another operator). [End of extract]




_ We're registered as Professional Risk Prevention Consultants.

_ Our team comprises graduate safety engineers.

_ Our documents are routinely checked by safety inspectors.

_ We frequently update our Occupational Risk Assessments.



_ "Laundries | Risk Management Guidance" by Ecclesiastical.

Health and Safety Risk Assessment - Industrial Laundry

£70.00 Regular Price
£59.50Sale Price
  • | Complies with regulations

    | Refund within 48 hours if not satisfied

    | Includes COVID-19 risk

    | 100% complete, with all your risks

    | 100% editable thanks to the Excel format

    | Includes risk prevention measures

    | Includes a risk prevention schedule

    | Consulting Engineer at your service

  • | Risk assessment consulting firm

    | Covering over 100 industry sectors

    | Over 1,000 clients worldwide

    | Nearly 100% satisfaction rate

    | Attentive to your challenges

    | We support through: Email - Live Chat

    | Always available, even after purchase

average rating is 4.1 out of 5, based on 19 votes, (Évaluations Clients)

Customer Reviews on Our Health and Safety Risk Assessments


Recommendation Nathalie Choux


Garage des Loges


Jean Claude Parmentier

"The document, of high quality and customizable, is an excellent starting point for a topic that often takes up a lot of time. Thank you also for listening to our needs and the customer follow-up!"

"High-quality service at a very competitive price - the company fully adapted to my business and its multiple risks. This document was also reviewed by the labor inspection, which approved the quality of the work. I recommend."

I recommend the occupational risk assessment documents for their ease of use (Excel workbook) and the relevance of risks listed by profession.

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